Another Day, Another Country

Captain's log Aug 19, 2018

Leaving Klapeida in Lithuania for Liepaja in Latvia, we have a gentle breeze from behind which is perfect for hoisting the spinnaker. This big colourful sail is fun but hard to control. The wind almost dies out completely towards the evening, however, and we get the beast back in its sack with ease.

The small town of Liepaja impresses us with it's wooden clad buildings and vibrant marketplaces. In the evening we set off on favourable winds for the Gulf of Riga. Through the night and next day we swiftly put 130 miles behind us and reach the tiny Estonian island of Ruhnu.

This lovely little island with its less than 100 inhabitants blows our exhaustion away as we walk around discovering blueberries, lovely views and local culture.


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